Karcher Middle School Students Take on Leadership

Live United Spotlight

Youth As Resources student board, Karcher Middle School

March 15, 2019

Karcher Middle School is giving one group of students a great chance to develop leadership skills. Karcher is the home base of United Way’s Youth As Resources initiative, in which a board of Karcher students evaluate grants proposals for local youth service projects. We talked to the board about their experience with YAR, and they are loving it:


What’s it like being on the YAR board? What are your responsibilities?

“Being on the YAR board makes us feel like leaders, like we are committed to something big and valuable. We help other students by giving them a big chance to help their community and make an impact.”

“YAR is very fun! We get to connect with other schools and are responsible for making the right decision and asking progressive questioning. We help other students by giving them an outlet to express their want to help others.”

“Being on the YAR board is pretty great; I like how we get to decide whether or not to fund the groups that come in. Being on YAR teaches everyone more responsibility. We help other students when we fund their projects.


What do you enjoy about YAR?

“I like the Shark Tank-y feel of the group’s presentation.”

“We all found it extremely difficult to keep a straight face while [Park High School] was presenting as we knew that we wanted to give the grant to them. We had to politely argue and advocate. Also—Guppy Tank.”

“I enjoy helping others and giving back to the community. I like to see kids our age, older, and younger help the community, and by helping the community, they are helping so many people.”

“I enjoy the teamwork and learning how to use leadership skills within my life and school. We have accomplished the skill of deep question asking.”

“What we enjoy about YAR is that we help other fellow students in the process of making an impact of their community. I also learned some business skills.”


How do you think YAR will help you in future career experiences?

“It helps me get high school service hours, lets me ask good questions, and makes me be outgoing and make new friends.”

“YAR will help me in the future because YAR teaches leadership and volunteering and the importance of giving back to your community.”

“It teaches students to network.”

“YAR would help us in future career experiences and opportunities because we are learning business and social skills while being a part of this group.”


Aside from YAR, how does Karcher Middle School help you to become your best self?

“Karcher helps me to become a better person in the way that they treat character building and their Karcher Way.”

“There are a lot more opportunities to volunteer and make new friends."

“KMS helps us to become our best selves by letting us retake things and focusing more on growth than grades.”

“It helps me to make more of a commitment to impacting my community."

“Karcher Middle School lets me become myself by letting me hang out with my friends and getting me to become more creative.”