Learn More About Early Childhood Education with No Small Matter Documentary Screening

IMAGE DESCRIPTION. Bold type that says "no small matter" rests against a white background. While "no" and "matter" are in red, "small" is in extra large, dark teal text. END IMAGE DESCRIPTION.Apr. 15, 2020—No Small Matter is the first feature documentary to explore the most overlooked, underestimated and powerful force for change in America today: early childhood education.

United Way of Racine County, Higher Expectations for Racine County and Extension Racine County invite you to learn more about the importance of early childhood education by joining a virtual screening of this documentary on May 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. An online discussion will immediately follow the film.

Registration is free, open to the public and required to receive instructions for accessing the screening. In addition, childcare providers can receive Registry Credits for watching the film and participating in the discussion afterwards.

In the comfort of your own home, you’ll see how the film uses poignant stories and surprising humor that lays out the overwhelming evidence for the importance of the first five years. You’ll also learn how our failure to act on that evidence has resulted in an everyday crisis for American families, and a slow-motion catastrophe for the country.

Please visit UnitedWayRacine.Org/No-Small-Matter to register.